Travel Portland, along with the Oregon Health Authority, City of Portland and Multnomah County, are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) in our community.
Multnomah County, where Portland is located, entered Phase 1 reopening on June 19, 2020. The other Portland metro counties, Clackamas and Washington, were already in Phase 1. Going forward, the three metro counties will be considered as a unit. On July 7, Multnomah County announced that it will stay in Phase 1 “indefinitely.”
As of July 1, people are required to wear face coverings when in grocery stores, pharmacies and other indoor public spaces in all Oregon counties.
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How The Spinal Cord Works
in Spinal Surgery, SpineArticle shared from
What is the central nervous system?
The central nervous system (CNS) controls most functions of the body and mind. It consists of two parts: the brain and the spinal cord.
The brain is the center of our thoughts, the interpreter of our external environment, and the origin of control over body movement. Like a central computer, it interprets information from our eyes (sight), ears (sound), nose (smell), tongue (taste), and skin (touch), as well as from internal organs such as the stomach.
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Bones Are Growing Faster, Affecting Orthopedics
in General OrthopedicsRead more
Close-to-Home: Forest Park’s Trails in the Time of Coronavirus
in Portland Area, Portland – Hiking and RecreationArticles shared from The Forest Park Conservancy
Please note: As the issue of park access and facilities related to COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, FPC recommends community members adhere to all guidelines and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and your local public health officials for the most up-to-date information.
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Neck Pain Red Flags and When Not To Worry
in Neck PainArticle by Paul Ingraham | Featured on Pain Science
We fear spine pain more than we fear other kinds of pain. Backs and necks seem vulnerable. And yet most spinal pain does not have a serious cause. The bark of neck pain is usually worse than its bite. This article explains how to tell the difference.
Please do seek care immediately if you’ve been in an accident or you have very severe or weird pain or other symptoms — obviously. This article is for non-emergency situations. But if you have neck pain that’s been starting to worry you, this is a good place to get some reassurance and decide whether or not to talk to a doctor.
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Creative Tips to Help You Stay Hydrated Throughout The Day
in Nutrition & General HealthRead more
All About Foot Pain
in Feet, Foot PainCOVID-19 and the Portland Community
in COVID-19, Portland AreaTravel Portland, along with the Oregon Health Authority, City of Portland and Multnomah County, are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) in our community.
Multnomah County, where Portland is located, entered Phase 1 reopening on June 19, 2020. The other Portland metro counties, Clackamas and Washington, were already in Phase 1. Going forward, the three metro counties will be considered as a unit. On July 7, Multnomah County announced that it will stay in Phase 1 “indefinitely.”
As of July 1, people are required to wear face coverings when in grocery stores, pharmacies and other indoor public spaces in all Oregon counties.
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3 Trends That Are Disrupting the Total Knee Replacement Market in 2020
in Knee Replacement, Knee Surgery, Medical TechnologyBy Amanda Pedersen | Jan 16, 2020 MDDI (Source)
Big changes lie ahead for knee replacements in 2020 and beyond. MD+DI recently spoke with an expert at DePuy Synthes for insight into how three key trends are impacting the market.
In recent years MD+DI has reported on a number of ways emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), surgical robotics, and 3D-printing are impacting a number of different sectors in medtech. In 2020, we expect these technologies to become even more relevant in the industry, particularly in orthopaedics.
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Answers to Common Questions About Knee Replacement Surgery
in Knee Pain, Knee Replacement, Knee SurgeryArticle Featured on WebMD
Who Needs Knee Replacement Surgery?
You and your doctor may consider knee replacement surgery if you have a stiff, painful knee that makes it difficult to perform even the simplest of activities, and other treatments are no longer working. Historically, this surgery has generally been reserved for people over age 50 who have severe osteoarthritis but with advances in technology, adults are more frequently opting for earlier surgeries to optimize their quality of life.
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12 Tips for Walking When You Have Sensitive Knees
in Arthritis, Knee Pain, pain relief, walkingFrom VeryWellFit
Sensitive knees can be a challenge for walking, but it is a recommended way to maintain your function and reduce your symptoms. If you have knee pain due to osteoarthritis or other causes, you don’t have to let that keep you from starting a walking program.
A regular program of walking can reduce stiffness and inflammation and it won’t make most chronic knee conditions worse. Walking is the preferred exercise by people with arthritis, and can help you improve your arthritis symptoms, walking speed, and quality of life, according to the CDC.
Walking is part of a healthy lifestyle to keep your heart and bones strong and your joints functioning. Here are tips for walking when you have sensitive knees.
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