Fourth of July Safety Tips

Fourth of July fireworks shows, cookouts and beach vacations will look very different this year. As Covid-19 cases continue to surge across the country, the issue of how to celebrate and socialize safely is top of mind for many Americans.
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Common Disk Injuries and How to Treat them

Understanding Spinal Disk Problems — the Basics

Article Featured on WebMD

What Are Spinal Disk Problems?

Anybody who has experienced a damaged spinal disk understands how painful it is. Every movement seems to make it worse. This pain is a warning signal that you should heed. If you take appropriate action, the discomfort usually stops, and the problem can be corrected.

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Arthritis of the Hand

Arthritis of the Hand

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Arthritis, the medical term for joint inflammation, is an extremely common problem for older adults. Arthritis in the hands can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks. While the condition can be managed with proper medical care, first you must recognize its common warning signs.
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What you should know about a broken pinky toe

What you should know about a broken pinky toe

Article Featured on MedicalNewsToday

A broken pinky toe is a fracture of the smallest toe. The term “broken toe” usually describes a traumatic fracture, which can occur due to a direct blow or impact, such as stubbing the toe or dropping something on it. The pinky toe is a commonly broken toe, and the fracture usually occurs at its base.

This article looks at the symptoms of a broken small toe, along with some other problems that can cause pain and swelling in the area. It also examines the treatment and management options for this injury.

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Bone Health for Life: Health Information Basics for You and Your Family

Bone Health for Life: Health Information Basics for You and Your Family

Why does bone health matter?

Our bones support us and allow us to move. They protect our brain, heart, and other organs from injury. Our bones also store minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, which help keep our bones strong, and release them into the body when we need them for other uses.

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Understanding Compartment Syndrome: What is it and How to Recover

Understanding Compartment Syndrome: What is it and How to Recover

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Compartment syndrome is a serious condition that occurs when there’s a large amount of pressure inside a muscle compartment. Learn more about this syndrome including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and more.

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How can you tell if you have a torn meniscus?

How can you tell if you have a torn meniscus?

Article Featured on WebMD

Like a lot of knee injuries, a meniscus tear can be painful and debilitating. Unfortunately, it’s quite common. In fact, a meniscal tear is one of the most frequently occurring cartilage injuries of the knee. So how can you tell if you have one? Learn more in this article.
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Shoulder Injuries Are They Mild or Severe

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and How to Treat it

Article Featured on Harvard Health

You probably don’t think about your shoulders much, until you suddenly experience pain in one of them. Shoulder pain can make a simple act — brushing and drying your hair, reaching behind your back to fasten a bra, or grabbing something overhead — seem like a monumental task.

As you age, you’re more likely to experience shoulder pain from a variety of common conditions. “Shoulder problems are very common,” says Dr. Arun Ramappa, associate professor of orthopedic surgery at Harvard Medical School. The pain can come on gradually or abruptly, and it may range from mild to excruciating.

Shoulder pain can vary between severity and frequency. Below are some of the most common conditions causing shoulder pain, and some tips for how to address them.

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The Best Time of Year to Have Knee Replacement Surgery

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You may be wondering when is the best time of year to have knee replacement surgery. Many patients ask this question when considering TKR and the consensus is that the spring and early fall are the best seasons. Read more

Exercise for Bone Health

Featured on National Osteoporosis Foundation.

May is National Osteoporosis month so we’re sharing some great exercises from the National Osteoporosis Foundation. The following exercises promote good posture, strength, movement, flexibility and balance in healthy people as well as those with osteoporosis. If you’ve recently broken a bone or if you have very low bone density, discuss these exercises with your physical therapist or healthcare provider before trying them and remember to avoid all activities that require bending forward from the waist or too much twisting of the spine.

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